The ISYC Mommies and children showed their smart and sporty side during the ISYC mOmmyLYMPICS 2017 held last July 22, 2017 at the Renaissance Convention Center. The event was opened by a cheering competition, where the eight teams – Red, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Green, Violet, Pink and White – gamely and excellently performed their team cheers, led by the teacher cheerers. A ceremonial “Lighting of the Torch” and an Oath of Sportsmanship followed. Afterwards, the teams competed in various Olympics-inspired games, such as the Javelin Through, the Discus Throw, the Longest Jump and the “Goal for the Gold”. The entire activity area was filled with sounds of cheering and elation as the participants competitively went for the gold while the rest of their team loudly rooted for them. Though everyone did their best and all were winners in their own right, the teams who won the most number of games were declared the grand champions of this year’s mOmmyLYMPICS:
1st Session
Grand Champion: Violet Team
Cheering Competition Winner: Violet Team
2nd Session
Grand Champion: Orange Team
Cheering Competition Winner: Green Team
This event is indeed a memorable one, and hopefully something that the ISYC mother and child will talk about with each other for many years to come. Congratulations to everyone for another very successful ISYC Mother and Child event!